光电科学与工程学院学术报告:Metasurfaces: Physics and Applications

报告题目:Metasurfaces: Physics and Applications






Metasurfaces, ultra-thin metamaterials composed by planar meta-atoms arranged in specific macroscopic orders, have attracted extensive attention. Many fascinating wave-control phenomena were discovered based on metasurfaces, such as anomalous refraction/reflection based on the generalized Snell’s law, planar-lens focusing and optical vortex generalizations. In this colloquium, I will present a brief overview on the historical development of this fast-developing research field, focusing particularly on our recent efforts in employing meta-surfaces to control EM waves in various aspects. Specifically, I will describe how to realize utilize gradient metasurfaces to convert propagating waves surface waves with nearly 100% efficiency, how to combine gate-controlled graphene with metasurfaces to achieve wide-range active phase modulation on THz waves, and how to realize photonic spin-Hall effects with carefully designed meta-surfaces with nearly 100% efficiency in both reflection and transmission geometries. Finally, I will introduce our latest efforts on developing a theoretical framework to understand and control the angular dispersions in metasurfaces.



周磊,1997年获复旦大学博士学位,随后在日本东北大学(1997-2000)及香港科技大学(2000-2004)从事博士后研究, 2004年至今为复旦大学物理学系教授。获国家杰青(2007),长江学者(2010),万人计划领军人才2017),中国光学重要成果奖(2012),上海市自然科学牡丹奖(2015),上海市领军人才(2016),上海市自然科学一等奖(2016),美国光学学会(OSA)青年科学家奖(2016),美国物理学会(APS)杰出审稿人(2017,美国光学学会(OSA)会士(2019),复旦大学本专科毕业生“我心目中的好老师”(2010-20122015-2017,其中3次为提名奖);上海市教学成果二等奖(2013),宝钢优秀教师奖(2015),复旦大学本科教学贡献奖(2015)等奖励或荣誉。在电磁超构材料等领域从事理论实验研究,发表包括Nature Materials在内的论文 160 余篇,累计被引 9000 余次,单篇最高引用900余次。作为大会主席组织超构材料相关的国际会议6次,作为中方主席发起并组织中日韩三国超材料学术论坛,100余次在国际会议上做大会/主旨/特邀报告。


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