物理科学与技术学院学术报告:Onsager variational principle and its applications to soft matter systems

报告题目:Onsager variational principle and its applications to soft matter systems

报 告 人:周嘉嘉 副教授 北京航空航天大学



报告摘要:Onsager principle is the variational principle proposed by Onsager in his celebrated paper on the reciprocal relation. The principle is useful not only in deriving many evolution equations in soft matter systems, it is also useful in solving such equations approximately. Three examples are discussed: the capillary filling, the stratification in binary colloidal solutions, and the dynamics of viscoelastic filaments. These examples show that the present method is novel and gives new perspective of the essential dynamics in soft matter systems.

报告人简介:Jiajia Zhou received his BSc in physics from Peking University in 2002. He then went to Canada and finished his PhD in physics from McMaster University in 2010, under the supervision of Prof. An-Chang Shi. He is a postdoctoral researcher from 2011 to 2015 at University Mainz in Germany under the supervision of Prof. Friederike Schmid. He joined Beihang University as an Associate Professor in 2015. His research focusses on computer simulations of soft matter systems.

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