物理科学与技术学院学术报告:Holonomic quantum computation in the ultrastrong-coupling regime of circuit QED

报告题目:Holonomic quantum computation in the ultrastrong-coupling regime of circuit QED

报告人:王艺敏 博士陆军工程大学通信工程学院, 南京

报告时间:2018123 日(星期二) 下午14:00-15:00



We present an experimentally feasible scheme to implement holonomic quantum computation in the ultrastrong-coupling regime of light-matter interaction. The large anharmonicity and the Z2 symmetry of the quantum Rabi model allow us to build an effective three-level Λ-structured artificial atom for quantum computation. The proposed physical implementation includes two gradiometric flux qubits and two microwave resonators where single-qubit gates are realized by a two-tone driving on one physical qubit, and a two-qubit gate is achieved with a time-dependent coupling between the field quadratures of both resonators. Our work paves the way for scalable holonomic quantum computation in ultrastrongly coupled systems.

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